Network Services

Network services are applications at the network application layer that connect users working in offices, branches, or remote locations to applications and data in a network. These services typically run on servers.

What are some types of network services?

Here are examples of types of network services:

  • Internet and cloud connectivity
  • Branch office and campus connectivity
  • Private data center services
  • Secure cloud-connectivity services
  • Virtual network services

Five reasons your business need Network services


According to IDC research, businesses are prioritizing resiliency and agility as foundational elements of their IT strategy. They want more visibility, cross-platform control, better data management, and  protection from the edge to the core. While consumption-based models are playing an increasingly important role in powering those goals to accelerate digital transformation, many business leaders are hesitant when it comes to Network-as-a-Service (NaaS). Some still think of as-a-service in terms of software, compute, and storage. However, as budgets grow tighter amid an inflationary economic environment, organizations need a better way to predict the ebbs and flows of the network, with flexibility to adapt as business needs change. That’s where NaaS comes into play.

Among the newest as-a-service approaches, NaaS combines­ hardware, software, services, and support in a pay-as-you-go model that delivers network services on a subscription basis. Allowing users to consume network infrastructure through flexible OpEx subscriptions, NaaS helps businesses shift their focus from managing their architecture to driving business outcomes.

If you haven’t transitioned to network as a service yet, here are five reasons wny you should:


  1. Cost savings:
                    Network-as-a-Service allows you to acquire the network you need, when you need it, to avoid overprovisioning—in a pay-as-you-go OpEx model. Because you’re not locked into expensive infrastructure and rigid contracts, Naas allows you to more predictably manage costs and align budgets to business priorities. Additionally, with insights into all aspects of usage, including power, capacity, bandwidth speeds, and service levels, you can make more profitable financial decisions about workloads and upcoming projects.
  2. Security:                                                                                                                                                                                                As the prevalence of data breeches and ransomware continues to soar, enhancing network security is crucial. With proactive network monitoring, preventative maintenance, and real-time insights into network performance, the NaaS model offers enhanced network infrastructure protection with enterprise-grade security. With that, any nefarious activity can be immediately identified—and patches can be applied to address the breech before it becomes a problem.
  3. Performance and Productivity: Network-as-a-Service ensures your network operates efficiently by assessing traffic volume and making necessary adjustments. A better performing network means less downtime and greater staff productivity. Additionally, by outsourcing the full lifecycle of your enterprise network deployment, day-to-day operational management, upgrades, monitoring and troubleshooting activities to a NaaS partner, you free up your internal IT resources to focus on business-enabling tasks that add measurable value.
  4. Keep up with the pace of business: NaaS provides the financial flexibility to shorten planning cycle times and the agility to keep pace with changing conditions. By ensuring your network technology is refreshed as needed to support new workloads and changing requirements, a NaaS model makes it easy to scale your network as needs change.
  5. Environmental impact – NaaS offers a more sustainable way to consume network technology. With the ability to rent sustainable networks from a NaaS provider on a subscription basis, you don’t have to worry about where and how to dispose of old equipment. Plus, NaaS providers are committed to sustainable ‘reuse and retirement’ practices—and also well versed at configuring networks that are purpose-built to optimize energy consumption. By turning to a NaaS solution, you are making an environmentally sound decision that reduces your carbon footprint.