Ransomware Protection

Ransomware protection involves measures to prevent ransomware attacks and mitigate their impact. With the rise of remote work, work-from-home (WFH), and distance learning, ransomware threats have become more prevalent, exploiting new security vulnerabilities. As a multibillion-dollar organized crime, ransomware poses a severe risk that enterprises must prioritize before it’s too late.

Ransomware protection equips potential victims with the tools needed to defend against these dangerous cyber threats, which target servers and data. It’s crucial to be proactive in implementing ransomware protection and readiness strategies to avoid costly, business-disrupting, and damaging events.

What is ransomware protection?

As the name implies, ransomware threats arise from any software (malware) that enable cybercriminals to encrypt all, or part of, an organization’s valuable data – and then hold that data for ransom. Bad actors usually demand a ransom in exchange for relinquishing their control. During the standoff, authorized users are denied access to the encrypted data. The victim usually faces two bad choices; pay a ransom within a defined timeline to free their data, or lose it and be forced to move on from scratch. Another danger that accompanies ransomware threats is the possibility of public exposure of the victim’s private data. Such an outcome could cause profoundly severe problems with real consequences to businesses.

Ransomware protection describes the safeguards that companies put in place to avoid the nightmarish situations described earlier. The best medicine for dealing with the increasing threats of a ransomware attack is dedicated data protection for ransomware readiness. A SaaS-delivered backup solution, or backup as a service (BaaS) can be an important part of a company’s ransomware protection strategy, by providing customers with isolated, immutable air-gapped copies of their data that are out of bad actors’ reach. In addition, a cloud-based approach to ransomware protection provides a virtual airgap as data backup services do not require physical network connections. This ensures backup and restore operations are separate and not susceptible to ransomware attacks that successfully penetrate customer environments.

What is ransomware protection and how does it work?


Sometimes, the most effective solutions are the simplest ones. While the intricacies of ransomware protection can be complex, the approach itself remains straightforward: safeguard your data from cybercriminals. Cloud-based data protection solutions offer a virtual airgap, ensuring both backups and restore operations are secure. These solutions store backup copies in isolated, immutable locations, preventing data tampering, alteration, or deletion. They do not require physical networks or appliances, keeping restore services separate and unaffected by ransomware breaches. Cloud providers also enhance security with comprehensive access control, encryption of data in transit and at rest, and continuous updates to detect and prevent cyberattacks.

A solid ransomware protection strategy involves the following key components:

1. Creating a Plan: Develop a comprehensive plan that includes safeguards against attacks and a blueprint for swiftly resuming normal operations.

2. Preventing Attacks: Implement proactive measures such as security protocols, access controls, and user authentication to protect data from potential threats.

3. Monitoring Your Environment: Regularly monitor your systems for anomalies to detect and mitigate attacks early.

4. Restoring Your Data: Establish reliable and rapid data restore capabilities to ensure quick recovery and minimal disruption to business operations.

5. Testing Your Plan: Frequently test your plan to ensure adherence to predefined SLAs for high-priority data and applications.

6. Proactive Education: Educate employees regularly on the nature and dangers of ransomware, including how to recognize phishing and social engineering attempts, which are common tactics used by attackers.

Why is ransomware protection important?


The prevalence of ransomware threats is increasing, fueled by the rise of remote work and distance learning vulnerabilities. In 2019, nearly 60% of enterprises faced ransomware attacks. By the third quarter of 2020, ransomware incidents surged by 40% within that quarter alone. Without adequate ransomware preparedness, companies are at significant risk of falling victim to these attacks, leading to data loss, security breaches, and costly business downtime—especially critical in an era where constant data access and availability are essential. In essence, robust data protection serves as a crucial defense for organizations, providing a lifeline for rapid recovery and safety following such disruptions.


Benefits of ransomware protection


Digital data and applications are crucial drivers of business growth. Protecting business-critical workloads from ransomware is essential for business survival, acting as a safety net against data loss or theft.

Business Continuity:

                   While average IT disruptions can cause issues, the loss of all data can be catastrophic. Ransomware protection helps prevent extended business shutdowns, reduces the likelihood of successful attacks, and shortens recovery times.

Risk Mitigation:

             Ransomware protection is a critical component of a comprehensive security strategy for any organization. Implementing robust access management, anomaly detection, data encryption, hardened security measures, and comprehensive user access controls are key to defending against cybercriminals.

Lower Costs:

               The cost of implementing data protection measures is minimal compared to the potential expenses of a successful ransomware attack. Downtime and large ransom payouts can halt business operations and lead to the permanent loss of customer data. Businesses should prioritize proactive safety measures and use ransomware protection to secure their valuable data.

Common use cases for ransomware protection


Organizations of all sizes must protect themselves against ransomware threats. Implementing proper data protection enables businesses to deploy solutions for everyday scenarios:

Business Continuity:

                           Ransomware protection helps businesses safeguard all essential data and configurations, ensuring they can quickly recover and resume operations after unforeseen disruptions.

Data Protection:

               Without adequate ransomware readiness, data is vulnerable to loss and corruption. Ransomware protection preserves data integrity and provides usable copies of lost data, ensuring recovery is always possible after an attack.

Disaster Recovery

   All businesses and IT environments are at risk of disruptive ransomware events that can lead to data loss, corruption, or operational disruptions. A robust ransomware protection strategy mitigates these risks, providing a safeguard against unplanned disruptions and malicious attacks.

Does Metallic offer ransomware protection?


Yes! Metallic Backup as a Service (Baas) leverages a hardened, multi-layered approach to ransomware readiness, providing robust controls to both prevent threats and ensure data is highly available and recoverable from cyberattack. With immutable, air-gapped data copies, advanced anomaly detection, and built-in encryption, Metallic comprehensively safeguards critical data across apps, endpoints, on-prem, and cloud environments. Built on Microsoft Azure, Metallic offers industry-leading durability, security, scalability, and performance, capable of protecting business data from today and tomorrow’s emerging cyberthreats.